Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Bye Bye Lake View

Well, as you may have guessed from the title, Lake View will never be making it out the box now, I've decided due to finances and space that I really don't have the time or the money to do it, let alone no space to actually put it if I did complete it, so have taken the decision to try and sell it, i've put it on gumtree and a local facebook group in the hope that somebody will buy it.  Haven't put it on  ebay yet but no doubt it will end up on there on their next free listing day, hate ebay as it costs so much.   Don't think it would be viable to actually courier it anyway as it's 3 huge boxes which would cost a fortune to post, so it's got to be somebody local, just hope that I can sell it!

Anyway, had a little break from mini patchworks, all patchworked out, but made a gorgeous teddy bear, who is so soft which unfortunately you can't see from the pictures.

No idea what will happen to this bear, probably end up on ebay!

Just doing some little mini knitting, a baby romper suit, hat and bootees, not finished yet so will post pics when it's done.

Anyway that's about it for now, nothing new happening here!


  1. Your bear is so cute.
    Greetings, Faby

  2. Hi Debbie, I am feeling the same way about Waterside Way even though I have just about finished building it. Just can't think how to do the inside and it is so huge. Was going to let my daughter use it for her Sylvanians but there isn't really a space big enough in her room for it and I would have to buy a table to put it on. Might try selling it again locally once I have finished building it.
