It's very pretty and will be the new Handicraft Shop, now I haven't thought of a name for it yet and it needs some new signs, 2 of them are still advertising beach stuff, so i shall have to think of something pretty quick!
I haven't got very much to put in it at the moment as pennies are very tight, but there is a lot more room in it than in Beacon and this one has a lovely big shop window so really is much more suited to a shop.
I haven't quite decided what will go in it yet, at the moment the doll that Paula made me a while ago (now for the life of me I can't think what his name was, but from now on his name will be Frank lol. he seems to be using the attic as a bedsit and he has nowhere else to live at the moment so I think he will be claiming squatters rights and staying put.
The ground floor will be the main shop and of course there is room for expansion on the 1st floor, depends what brainwaves I get, so it could remain empty!
Beacon will now become Betty (the tea room owner) new house, at the moment it seems to be a bed showroom
really just because I haven't got anywhere else to keep the beds! The one on the ground floor is Bill's old bed and the first patchwork quilt I made! He now has a smart new bed complete with a ships wheel as a headboard, i must take a pic of it! He needs a new "manly nautical" quilt to go with it, so I shall be busy! The black "iron" bedstead on the first floor, well I didn't need, but I liked it and justified it to myself that I would use it to display my patchwork quilts that I intend to make, they always look so much better on a bed!
Anyway this is how Beacon looks with a quick hunt for furniture. I have got the most gorgeous brass single bed for upstairs which Paula managed to get for me, and of course it needs a pretty quilt as well. The downstairs is just a sofa and table that I was going to sell, but hadn't got round to it, so they will stay there for now until I find something better!
I have manage to fit the little kitchen in the "scullery", not quite right but can't think what else to do, it's either got to be a loo or a kitchen and not sure there's room downstairs, although if I find a compact kitchen I might be able to change it round.
Anyway that's the changes so far, loads to do, but no money to do it lol, as is usually the case! Here is a picture of my 5 houses (and still counting) but I really am running out of space!
I would so love them to all be on the same level, could do with another couple of chest of drawers!
I keep saying I will keep my blog updated, but life always seems to take over and I don't get round to it and because I haven't really done very much to them it does seem a bit pointless! I really will try harder though!